sábado, 20 de agosto de 2011

Lean manager- Customer first - attitudes and committments

Four rules to make the company competitive:

- Customers come first ( to give just that they need and want).

- Deliver good parts on time (Delivering on-time, defect-free, good quality).
- Reduce your cost (p.e.: avoid quality overcost, rework and inspections, dead time,...)
- Work with your people so that they solve their own problems (team work, continuos improvement).

Companies make money when service their customers by delivering the goods they want them and with the quality they require.

The management line have three targets:

Customer satisfaction.
Eliminating waste (the customer not pay for it)
Developing people.

The fundamental issue is attitude.
The only thing that will make things better is a radical change in attitude, in which people learn to recognize problems and try things out until they're solved. And to understand what a problem is, you have got to put the customers first.

People have to be determined to put their customers first. They must understand that everything they do is ultimately all about the product- the product that customers buy.

Company need people with greater expertise and committment.

The key is that management organizes people to develop knowledge continuously, where everybody contributes directly to adding value to customers, adding value starts by solving problems.

Then you need to convince all your operators to contribute their ideas and suggestions so that the company is using their heads as well as their hands. (team work, see and ask, ...)

The managers have to be fanatic about developing people, and have to be taught to recognize, address, and solve problems: customer problems, operator problems, process problems, etc.

FC Barcelona players' know that their attitudes and committments make them the best team at the moment. The coach who kowns that the team work, together and continuos improvement, respect to the competitors and honesty make them a sample in business school and firms.

Information source: Book "The Lean Manager" by Michael and Freddy Ballé